Action Learning & Peer-to-Peer Coaching

Action Learning is one of the most powerful methods of management development. The focal point is on improved business performance through individual/team capability development.


What is their purpose?

The principal objective of is to develop managers’ capabilities through resolving work-based projects and then reflecting on the processes involved in achieving the result.


How do they work?

They are question, rather than, advice based. Individuals are encouraged to find their own solutions to real business issues through guided and constructive questioning from their peers. There is a facilitator supporting the process and there needs to be a min of 4 and/or a max of 8 people.

What Action Learning and Peer-to-Peer Coaching can be used for?

  • An integral part of any management and leadership development programme;
  • Support during role transitions;
  • Strengthening organisational structure via building bridges across the functions;
  • Problem solving;
  • Organisational change;
  • Teams development (cross functional team working)
  • Knowledge management;

How we can support you?

For more information how we can provide practical support and guidance to designing and implementing Action Learning please contact us: